Who is calling me from (208) 502-1999?

The phone number (208) 502-1999 belongs to Home Care Pulse. We are a HIPAA compliant quality assurance firm contracted by home care providers to gather feedback about the care you or your loved one receive or about your employment as a care professional.

Why am I being called?

If you or your family member receive in-home care services…
We are calling on behalf of your home care provider to inquire about your satisfaction with the in-home care services being provided to you or your family member. Your home care provider has contracted with Home Care Pulse because your satisfaction their utmost concern, and they have a desire to ensure you are satisfied with the care.

If you are employed as a care professional…
We are calling on behalf of your employer to perform a short interview that will help them measure and improve care professional satisfaction. Your employer has contracted with Home Care Pulse to gather unbiased, third-party feedback and satisfaction scores. Your job satisfaction is their priority, and your honest feedback will be invaluable in helping your employer improve.

More FAQs

The interview will take about 6-8 minutes.

If you or your family member receive in-home care services…
You will be asked to rate the home care provider in several categories on a scale of 1-10, and to share any comments you have about the care being provided. Please be detailed and honest in your feedback. This will be help the home care provider better understand how to make improvements.

If you are employed as a care professional…
You will be asked to rate your employer in several categories on a scale of 1-10, and to share any comments you have. Please feel free to share your honest, detailed feedback during the interview as this will best serve your employer as they seek to understand how they can improve care professional satisfaction.

If you or your family member receive in-home care services…
Your responses are anonymous by default. At the end of the interview, you will be asked if you would like to include your name with your responses. Including your name makes it easier for the home care provider to take specific action to resolve any problems you mention.

If you are employed as a care professional…
Your responses will be completely anonymous.

Your interview responses will never be shared with anyone except your home care provider (your employer if you are a care professional). Your responses and comments will be made available to the home care provider so they can measure and improve satisfaction.

You are not required to complete an interview. However, we strongly encourage you to participate. Your feedback is invaluable to the home care provider, or your employer (if you are a care professional), and helps them make improvements. If you would like to be permanently removed from the calling list, please speak with the representative who is contacting you, and let them know. They can take immediate action to make sure you are permanently removed from the calls.

There is a better person to contact.
If you are unable to complete the interview or provide answers to questions about the care being provided, please let us know. If there is an alternate person who we could interview about the in-home care services being received, please let us know.

Me and my family members aren’t receiving in-home care services.
If you or your family members have not received in-home care services in the past 90 days, please let us know so we can remove you from the calling list.

I am not employed as a care professional.
If you are receiving a request for a care professional interview, but you are not a care professional, please let us know so we can remove you from the calling list.

Once you’ve completed an interview, you won’t be contacted again for at least six months.

We are provided only with names and phone numbers for those we contact. Home Care Pulse is HIPAA compliant and abides by state and federal confidentiality laws. We will never ask for medical information or share your individual feedback with other parties besides the home care provider.

Home Care Pulse will never ask you for money or any form of payment. If anyone asks you for money, please contact us immediately to report it.

If you or your family member receives in home care services…
The home care provider should notify you or your family member that we will be calling when you start receiving their services or when your home care provider contracts with Home Care Pulse and starts interviews. From time to time, your home care provider will also send out reminder letters about the interviews we perform. If you haven’t been notified, please contact your home care provider and let them know you would like to be notified.

If you are employed as a care professional…
Your employer should notify you that you could receive a call from Home Care Pulse. If you haven’t been notified, please contact your employer and let them know you would like to be notified.

Home Care Pulse is HIPAA compliant and abides by state and federal confidentiality laws. All phone interviews are conducted in-house to maintain the highest standards of professionalism.

Ready to complete the interview? Call us back at (208) 502-1999 now.