The concept of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes may sound clichéd, but applying this principle to your clients can have a significant impact on the quality of your services. It’s generally not the basic service offerings that bind clients to a brand; it’s the small details and positive business-client interactions that help define a client’s connection and loyalty to one brand over another.

Apple provides a prime example of the importance that small details play in regards to client touch points. If you have ever met a Mac lover, you know that Apple has mastered the art of brand loyalty. And if you have ever entered an Apple store or purchased one of their products, you may know why. Every detail of Apple’s service, from the layout of their shops to the aesthetics of their packaging, is tailored to meet their customers’ exact needs. Their branding is unified, and their service is detailed and consistent. What Apple understands, and what most businesses fail to see, is that every single interaction with a client counts.

Each client touch point, however small, contributes to clients’ overall perception of your company and brand. From the first click on your website to the first invoice received, your clients are crafting an idea of who you are and what kind of service you deliver. Poorly designed websites and late invoices can stack up against you, which is why each small interaction, whether or not it’s face to face, needs attention. And while selling home care is quite different from selling electronics, Apple’s mastery of tailoring services to their client experience, or journey, is very applicable to home care.

To master your client experience, you need to walk a mile in your clients’ shoes and see your brand as they see it by mapping out their journey. As you create a Client Journey Map that outlines each milestone and touch point between your business and your clients, you’ll be able to see gaps in your path and areas for improvement. You’ll be able to focus on the details and refine your client experience.

This April 13th, I invite you to join our CORE webinar with JC Weber. You’ll learn more about the importance of the Client Journey Map and discover how to create one of your own. The quality of your client journey determines the success of your business, which is why it’s important to map it out and ensure that each step is tailored to your clients’ needs. As your clients see your business’s commitment to their care, they’ll reciprocate by committing their business to you.

Warmest Regards,
Aaron Marcum, Founder & CEO

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