Can You Hire a Caregiver Who Has NO Experience?

Home Care Office Staff Hiring Tips

According to the 2017 Home Care Benchmarking Study, nearly 79% of healthcare agencies stated that the caregiver shortage is the top threat to their workplace. The caregiver crisis is an epidemic, quickly spreading, with no end in sight.

Like it the old fashioned way?

According to the 2017 Home Care Benchmarking Study, nearly 79% of healthcare agencies stated that the caregiver shortage is the top threat to their workplace. The caregiver crisis is an epidemic, quickly spreading, with no end in sight.

Searching for Solutions

The caregiver recruitment experts at myCNAjobs say,

“Too many companies are stuck in old thinking, solely recruiting caregivers with a certain level of experience, and often overlook a great candidate in lieu of bullets on a resume.”

An Overlooked Demographic

There is a large group of potential caregivers just waiting to jump on board with an agency, but they are consistently told, “You don’t have the right experience to qualify.

We recently heard from Tamara P., a potential caregiver who was looking for training that would help her qualify for a job as a caregiver.

She had already applied to nearly 20 agencies with no luck. She said, sometimes she was immediately disqualified over the phone when the recruiter asked about her experience. Other times, she would get an interview scheduled, make the trip to the office, and then find out that experience was required.

But Tamara did have experience. It just wasn’t paid, or formal experience. Tamara had spent the last three years caring for her grandmother. Her grandmother suffered from diabetes, kidney disease, obesity, and difficulty with ambulation. Tamara took her grandmother to doctor appointments and dialysis treatments. She did the cooking, the cleaning, and even cared for her grandmother’s dog. Sadly, her grandmother passed away.

But, Tamara was proud of the way she kept her grandmother nourished, clean, and safe all those years. She felt passionate about caregiving. She was confident that she would be good at it.

However, she quickly became discouraged. And, since she needed a job right away, she shifted her focus to the foodservice industry. They offered paid training and regular hours.

And, just like that. A perfectly good candidate left the pool of potential caregivers’ probably never to return.

The Other Side

Of course, you can’t hire just anyone. And, who has time (or money) to put people with no experience through hours and hours of training? You need people who are ready to hit the ground running, right now!

The Solution

The solution lies in providing initial training, and a strong mentorship program.

And BOTH are easier than you think!

When you combine intheknow’s Certified Caregiver Training Program
with Home Care Pulse’s tips on Creating Your Caregiver mentor Program, you can feel confident hiring those candidates who come to you with little more than passion and a calling.

Check Out this Training Program

What if a comprehensive, initial training program could be done in just 8 hours?

And, what if it was designed specifically for Caregivers who have NO prior experience or training?

And . . . what if it was a complementary part of the e-learning library you already use to provide continuing education to your entire team?

You don’t have to ask “what if”anymore. This program exists!

Check out intheknow’s Certified Caregiver Training Program today! It’s just one of the many FREE perks you’ll enjoy when you subscribe to In the Know Online Caregiver Training.

What’s included?

The following 11 courses offer a total of 8 hours of instructional time.

  1. Your Role as a Non-Medical Caregiver
  2. Honoring Patients’ Rights
  3. Honoring Confidentiality & HIPAA
  4. Helping with ADLs
  5. Helping with IADLs
  6. Guarding Against Abuse
  7. Guarding Against Neglect
  8. Preventing Infections and Falls
  9. Protecting Against Fires and Disasters
  10. Observing and Documenting Client Care
  11. Providing Client-Centered Care

Request Your Preview Today!

And remember, the Certified Caregiver Training Program is just one of the many
FREE perks you’ll enjoy when you subscribe to In the Know Online Caregiver Training.

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