Home Care Owner Checklist: Start the Year Off Right

Home Care Office Staff Hiring Tips

Take a moment to complete our checklist and get a 360-degree view of your business. 

It’s almost 2021! A lot has been said about the upcoming year and the changes that it holds for the home care industry. While COVID-19 is still a threat, we’ve heard and seen agencies across the country adapt over the last several months. With new information frequently coming out, it’s only going to become easier to navigate. Some of the other areas that will affect home care in 2021 include expanding Medicare Advantage opportunities, legal changes, increasing unionization, advanced usage of technology, and rising caregiver turnover rates.

Despite the challenges ahead, it’s a great time to be in home care. Are you ready?

Our team has put together a checklist to help you hit the ground running. Hopefully, you’ve already thought about most of this and have a plan for it—but it never hurts to take a 360-degree look at your plans to make sure you’ve considered each of the most important parts of your business.

#1: Client Experience

Carefully consider the experience you provide to your clients–and keep in mind that even the best agencies still have areas they need to improve.

  • Would the majority of your clients be excited to refer friends and family to you?

  • Are there similar complaints you’re consistently hearing from multiple clients?

  • Do you have processes in place for clients to feel comfortable providing feedback about your services, especially for clients who are reserved or avoid confrontation?

  • Do you know your Net Promoter Score, and is it increasing over time?

#2: Referral Sources

Identify the specific referral partners you’re going to be prioritizing and targeting this year. As home care consultant Gregg Mazza says, never practice “spray and pray.”

  • Are there referral sources you’ve been working on for a long time that aren’t producing?

  • Are there other sources that, with some effort, might produce better results than you’re currently getting?

  • Are you taking a focused approach to each referral partner, or are you just dropping off brochures and hoping for the best?

#3: Recruitment/Retention

Plan deliberate recruitment/retention initiatives. Here’s a list of effective initiatives we’ve seen agencies invest in recently that helped counter staffing challenges. We recommend choosing 4 and implementing one every quarter.

#4: Digital Marketing

You’re almost in 2021. Is your digital marketing in 2021 too? Here’s a list of the basic boxes that need to be checked soon if they’re not checked already.

  • Proactive management of online reviews (processes in place to get more reviews, respond to reviews, and keep reviews high-quality)

  • An up-to-date, mobile-friendly website

  • Local online listings are up-to-date with correct information

  • Social media accounts are updated consistently, provide easy ways to contact your agency, and are consistent with your brand.

  • Pay-per-click Google Ads on the right keywords to help more internet searchers find your agency (we recommend outsourcing this effort to a marketing agency)

  • A customer relationship management system is being used to track all of your communication with potential clients and referral sources.

#5: Office Support Staff

Your office staff are the core of your business, and one of the greatest determinants of your success. Don’t cut corners in finding—and keeping—the right people on your team.

  • Do you have the right people in each position?

  • Are there additional positions you should hire for that would pay for themselves in increased efficiency or added revenue?

  • Are there positions you should consider eliminating or consolidating?

  • Could you provide a clearer path for caregivers to be promoted to join your office staff?

#6: Scheduling Software

Home care owner and speaker Kunu Kaushal says it best: “The best scheduling software is the one that you and your team will use.” Used properly, your scheduling software is a key factor in preserving efficiency and driving growth.

  • Is your scheduling software meeting your needs?

  • Are you using it fully?

  • Is your staff properly trained in it?

  • Are there other scheduling software platforms that would better serve your needs?

  • Would you benefit from a meeting with your software rep to get a refresher on training?

#7: Data

Evaluate your data. Are you tracking the following?

  • Client satisfaction

  • Caregiver satisfaction

  • Caregiver turnover rate (overall and by recruitment source)

  • Cost per hire (for each recruitment source)

  • Client acquisition cost (for each marketing source)

  • Monthly added billable hours

#8: Time and Priorities

Are you running your home care business or is it running you?

  • Are you taking regular time to think big-picture and work ON your business, not just IN your business?

  • Are there important decisions you need to make that you’ve been putting off? (Letting go of a problematic employee, switching software platforms, etc.)

  • Is your own work/life balance under control? If not, are there steps you could take in the near future (difficult or not) that would make it more reasonable?

#9: COVID Protocols

A vaccine is in the early stages of distribution, but we’re a long ways from being out of the woods. Proactive planning and evidence-based practices can still save lives in the meantime.

  • Are your caregivers thoroughly trained in the most up-to-date practices to slow the spread of COVID?

  • Do you have clear operating protocols to help your agency run effectively, protect client/employee health, and remain compliant with COVID-related legal measures?

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