Enhancing Attention to Detail – Interactive PDF

Your caregivers have hundreds of details to be aware of on any given day. This course reviews how to pay attention and document all the details of a client’s health and the care they received.

Explain the importance of attention to detail in the role of caregiver.
Identify any habits (like multitasking or rushing) that impede one’s ability to catch important details.
Cre”system” or “mental checklist” of all the details needed to observe and act upon for every shift.
Practice brain exercises regularly to improve concentration and memory.
Demonstrate the ability to pay attention to details in work with clients.


   Audio Included

   CE Credit Hours: 1 Hour

   Length: 1 Hour

Enhancing Attention to Detail – Interactive PDF


   Audio Included

   CE Credit Hours: 1 Hour

   Length: 1 Hour

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