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The State of Post-Acute Care in 2023: Finance

With the release of the 2023 HCP Benchmarking Report, we have new data and insights on how post-acute care businesses have been impacted by ongoing industry challenges, and what the most successful organizations are doing to overcome them.

The Future of Post-Acute Care

The future of the post-acute care industry is at a critical juncture — where will your business fit into the future of the continuum of care? HCP’s data gives us an insider’s look into the trajectory of the industry, and what you need to start doing today to keep up. 

The State of Post-Acute Care in 2023: Sales & Marketing

With the release of the 2023 HCP Benchmarking Report, we have new data and insights on how post-acute care businesses have been impacted by ongoing industry challenges, and what the most successful organizations are doing to overcome them.

5 Ways to Retain Your People

Join HCP's CSO, Chris Magleby, Chief Clinical Officer, Linda Leekley, and Director of Marketing, Amanda Sternklar as they share how you can save more than $58,000 per year in recruitment and retention by simply retaining employees past the first 100 days.