Discover Your Revenue Opportunity

Get a clear picture of how unstaffed cases are affecting your business.
We’ll do the math.

The financial impact of turning away cases

Last year, over 85% of agencies had to turn away a client or patient due to staff shortages.

You might be wondering whether you should hire a new addition to your care team —even if you don’t have enough hours for them. You might be deciding if you should increase your hourly rate for an applicant who declined the position due to the previous offer you made.

A key consideration for you should be the amount of revenue you are leaving on the table by turning away a case (or multiple cases). By understanding the expected revenue from new clients, you can determine things like:

  • Should I hire someone now for only a few hours per week?
  • Should I pay a little more in the short run so I can staff more client or patient inquiries?
  • Could I equip current employees with specialized training so they can meet specific client or patient needs and take on different types of cases?

This calculator will help you determine how much revenue you’re leaving on the table by turning away cases.




How many cases did you turn away last month?

- +


How long do you care for clients/patients, on average (in months)?

- +


What do you typically bill per hour?

- $ +


What’s the average number of hours per client/patients, per week?

- +


Enter your email to unlock your results:


Your impact from turning down cases


Cases turned away



Case Length (in weeks)



Billing Rate (hourly)



Case Hours (weekly)


In revenue lost due to turned away client cases

Want to learn more about how HCP
helps you avoid unstaffed cases?

We are here to help. The HCP Care Intelligence Platform helps you manage your employer brand to attract and retain care staff and deliver the highest quality of care with a comprehensive training program.